10 Habits That Could Be Spiking Up Your Blood Sugar

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a religious obligation observed by millions of Muslims around the world. While the primary purpose of fasting in Islam is spiritual and involves self-discipline, purification, and increased devotion to Allah, there are reflections on potential health benefits embedded in Islamic teachings.

In fact, there are extensive health benefits that come with this practice.  Let’s explore the impact of fasting on our physical health and wellbeing. We’ll dive into bodily changes during the fasting period and introduce tools like SugarSense and Diet Delights Ramadan meal plans that support a wholesome the best  the holy month of Ramadan. 

Intermittent-Fasting and Time-Restricted Feeding

As we step into this month of fasting, let’s prepare ourselves for the spiritual growth and physical health benefits this period could bring, cleansing both the soul and the body. Naturally, Ramadan incorporates time-restricted feeding or intermittent fasting, defined as abstaining from eating for periods of 12 hours or more on a regular basis. During Ramadan, this method is observed by consuming no food or drink from sunrise to sunset. There are many studies that highlight the benefits of this pattern of eating. We can draw from the research and apply it in the context of Ramadan.

Let’s start with understanding what a blood sugar spike is. After eating, sugar (glucose) levels in your blood go up, insulin is released in response and the insulin helps to take the glucose from the bloodstream across into the cells where it is needed.

When your body is working optimally, blood glucose levels are tightly controlled, and you don’t see large variations or spikes. If there is something wrong in your body, this blood sugar spike is not cleared as quickly and your blood glucose levels remain high (hyperglycaemia) or take longer to return to normal.

The Metabolic Switch

The ‘Metabolic Switch’ occurs during fasting when our bodies transition from using food as fuel to tapping into energy stores. The liver converts glycogen into glucose, and once these stores are depleted, it begins to break down fatty acids and produce ketones for energy – a state known as ketosis. Imagine it as shifting from relying on an electricity grid (food) to a backup generator (body fat). This shift typically happens after abstaining from food for at least 12 hours. Our ancestors managed to survive periods of food scarcity thanks to this metabolic switch. Think of it this way: during Ramadan, we’re not just fasting; we’re flipping on our body’s natural backup system. After about 12 hours without a bite or sip, our bodies start getting energy from our own stores, just like our ancestors did. It’s like our internal spring cleaning, making us feel refreshed and resilient. 

Heart Health

This metabolic switch affects more than simply energy efficiency; it also has a positive impact on our heart health. Atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of heart and blood vessel disease. A condition which happens when plaque builds up in our arteries, making them hard and narrow. Consequently, this leads to severe problems like strokes and heart attacks. The main underlying causes of atherosclerosis are excess ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) and inflammation. Positive studies on the effects of intermittent fasting on inflammation and cholesterol levels have shown promise for lowering these risk factors and possibly preventing or managing atherosclerosis.

Blood Sugar Regulation

During a fast, your body shifts to using stored glucose and fat for energy, which lowers blood sugar levels. The body can use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels more efficiently because of this metabolic shift. People with type 2 diabetes or those at risk of developing it benefit most from enhanced insulin sensitivity since it helps regulate blood sugar levels with less insulin. This can eventually stabilize our blood sugar levels and improve our overall

Mental Clarity and Performance

In a similar way to stabilizing our blood sugar levels, fasting can also sharpen our minds. The switch from glucose to ketones as a primary source of fuel may actually enhance our brain function. Fasting improves focus and mental clarity, which helps when performing activities that require concentration, such as studying the Quran. In the fasted state, our bodies have few calories to operate on, and this stimulates the release of the neurotransmitter epinephrine, a chemical messenger that increases alertness and wakefulness. From a biological standpoint, this mechanism gives us the motivation and instinct to search for food. We can, however, channel this energy towards other pursuits, like spiritual development. 

SugarSense- Fasting edition By Diet Delights 

It’s important to monitor your health at all times, but especially during Ramadan. Did you know that everyone can benefit from monitoring their blood sugar levels, not just people living with diabetes. SugarSense provides a holistic approach to health with a cutting-edge continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system that focuses on observing the effect of different foods on blood sugar, and consequently on metabolism, energy, mood, and weight.  Monitoring your blood sugar in Ramadan helps you manage your fasting better. It gives you alerts about sugar drops and sugar highs, will signal to you when you have crossed your carbohydrate threshold and empowers you with tools to manage your nutrition and physical activity during Ramadan. The SugarSense program- Fasting edition is a great way to ensure you stay during Ramadan and make the best of your fast. 

Introducing Diet Delights To Your Ramadan Journey

Balancing your Suhoor and Iftar meals is now effortless with Diet Delights, a service dedicated to creating nutritious food ideal for Ramadan. You don’t have to worry about your meals not being balanced in macronutrients now, as Diet Delight’s ensures meals that help sustain energy and keep blood sugar levels regulated. When you break the fast, your mind can be at ease that you are giving your body all the correct fuel it needs to make it through the fast, all while still enjoying your Ramadan favourites dishes and sweets.

In conclusion, the holy month of Ramadan offers us a profound opportunity to deepen our spiritual practices and enjoy many remarkable health benefits. These include the ‘Metabolic Switch’, enhancements in heart health, blood sugar regulation, insulin sensitivity improvements, increased mental clarity, and time for spiritual reflection. Fasting during Ramadan truly is a cleanse for the soul and the body. With innovative tools like Sugar Sense and Diet Delights, this time can be a holy month to take care of the soul and the body. Let’s journey through this special time for spiritual growth with optimal vitality.

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